International Recycling-Projects and Hazardous Waste Logistics
These days, international transport, recycling, and the environment-friendly disposal of non–hazardous and hazardous waste becomes more important than ever before. The protection of our environment is increasingly becoming the focus almost everywhere around the world. At the same time, based on the worldwide consumer behavior as well as the steadily growing global population, the worldwide occurrence of waste from both the industrial as well as the private sector is just enormous!
Products, such as lithium batteries, became indispensable in a huge amount of our everyday products, and topics such as "electromobility" are just at the very beginning. This means in the near future we will be confronted with drastically increasing amounts of hazardous and non-hazardous waste products - all around the world. This waste can be of different nature, arising out of the private as well as in the commercial or industrial sectors. While some of these wastes can be recycled in facilities efficiently, others need to be disposed of properly, in specially certified facilities.

Depending on the classification and final destination of such waste products, the transport is strictly regulated and requires a prudent approach, detailed knowledge of various legal regulations (e.g. waste-, customs-, transport-, dangerous goods legislation, etc.) as well as the respective experience in handling and processing.

With the business unit and registered trademark "Global Waste Solutions", netcon int. is focussing on worldwide waste disposal and waste transport projects. Based on the close collaboration with a network of specialized partners from the sector of disposal, classification, packaging and transport, netcon int. delivers comprehensive and well-considered solutions in the sector of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
Based on the aforementioned legal and technical requirements and the wide range of involved tasks, netcon int. GmbH has established an excellent and strategic structure as well as a valuable network to a pool of highly qualified specialists.
Key Competences:
Analyses, for the classification based on waste- and DG-regulations
competent packaging of waste material and dangerous goods
Notification of international waste transports (Basle-Notification)
Documentation as per waste- and DG-regulations (IMDG, ADR, etc.)
Europe-wide disposal- and recycling-services
Seaworthy stowing of containers and airfreight-suitable packaging
Waste transports by land (ADR, walking floor., EX trucks, etc.)
Waste transports by ocean freight - charter-/liner shipments
Waste transport by airfreight - charter-/liner airfreight
Multimodal logistics- / Supply Chain Management solutions
International customs clearance - import/export/transit
As specialists for the planning and processing of comprehensive supply chain solutions and projects by ocean freight, airfreight and land transport, netcon int. GmbH is providing its customers, next to main-carriage, with a wide range of logistical side-services as well as services from the sector of disposal and recycling. This makes netcon to a holistic partner - way beyond European borders.
Definition of „waste“ as per §3 (1) KrWG (german recycling law):
Within the meaning of this law, waste is any substance or object that the owner discards intends to discard, or is required to discard. Waste for recycling is waste that is recycled. Waste that is not recycled is waste for disposal.
Indicators for the property waste are, for example: "waste", "disposal", "recovery", "recycling" or "disposal".
Example: 16 04 02* fireworks waste
Hazardous waste and non hazardous waste
Hazardous waste as per §3 (5) KrWG (german recycling law):
Waste that has been determined by ordinance, pursuant to Section 48 sentence 2 or on the basis of such an ordinance is hazardous within the meaning of the law. (six-digit waste code number with an asterisk (*))
Non-hazardous waste as per §3 (5) KrWG (german recycling law):
Waste that has been determined by ordinance, pursuant to Section 48 sentence 2 or on the basis of such an ordinance is hazardous within the meaning of the law. All other waste is not hazardous within the meaning of this law. (six-digit waste code number without asterisk)
As a dedicated and certified member of the WCA World Cargo Alliance, netcon int. GmbH has access to a pool of over 850 risk-managed and specialized partner locations in over 190 countries - worldwide.
In line with this, netcon int. GmbH provides comprehensive and dedicated services, from the sector of explosives, hazardous and non-waste material, hazardous goods, and defense material - on the highest level of requirements and professionalism.
Feel free to click the logo to visit our WCA company profile and learn more about who we are and what we do!
Legal Requirements involved
Basle Convention / EG No. 1013/2006, Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG), Anzeige und Erlaubnisverordnung (AbfAEV), Abfallverbringungsgesetz (AbfVerbrG) German Explosives Act (SprengG), Sprengstoffverordnung (SprengV), German Weapons Act (WaffG), Allgemeine Waffenverordnung (AWaffV), German War Weapons Control Act / Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz (KrWaffKontrG), Dual Use Regulation, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), Europäisches Übereinkommen über die internationale Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße (ADR), RID, ADN, Bundes Immissionsschutzgesetz (BImgschG), IATA Code (IATA-DGR), CMR Übereinkommen, CTU Packrichtlinien, Gefahrgutverordnung Straße Eisenbahn und Binnenschiff (GGVSEB), Gefahrgutbeförderungsgesetz (GGBefG), Gefahrgut Ausnahmeverordnung
Please that the above overview is just a cutout of the potentially involved requirements - further legislation can be applicable!
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us and let's talk also about your next disposal project!